ATI Research Team Publishes CBC Study in Nurse Educator Journal
Jan 2, 2019, 11:44 AM
Gina Kellogg
In an article in the January/February 2019 issue of Nurse Educator, a team of ATI researchers addressed questions regarding the transition to concept-based curricula (CBC) after a national study focused on the subject.
The team — consisting of Research Scientist Jennifer Brussow, M.A.; Director of Consultation Services Karin Roberts, PhD, RN, CNE; Psychometrician Matthew Scaruto, MA; V.P. of Faculty and Institution Services Sheryl Sommer, PhD, RN, CNE; and Director of Research & Applied Psychometrics Christine Mills, PhD — conducted a study to develop
The team — consisting of Research Scientist Jennifer Brussow, M.A.; Director of Consultation Services Karin Roberts, PhD, RN, CNE; Psychometrician Matthew Scaruto, MA; V.P. of Faculty and Institution Services Sheryl Sommer, PhD, RN, CNE; and Director of Research & Applied Psychometrics Christine Mills, PhD — conducted a study to develop
a representative list of concepts and exemplars. Their initiative expands on prior work by suggesting a leveled approach to positioning exemplars within a curricular sequence.
Read the full article, “Concept-Based Curricula: A National Study of Critical Concepts,” via open access at:https://journals.lww.com/nurseeducatoronline/Fulltext/2019/01000/Concept_Based_Curricula__A_National_Study_of.9.aspx