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Virtual-ATI® is a personalized, innovative online partnership that pairs students directly with an experienced ATI Nurse Educator. During their 12-week study program, students work one-on-one with their educator in preparation for NCLEX.

At the end of the 12-weeks, students earn their “Green Light” when the ATI Nurse Educator deems them ready to take NCLEX with a likelihood of success. Even after the “Green Light” has been given, students are supplied with a detailed study program and remediation resources to guide them until test day.

Here’s how it works:
  • Each student is assigned an experience ATI Nurse Educator Working with students one-on-one they receive feedback and encouragement along the way.
  • Students have 24/7 access to the online classroom featuring 400+ on-demand resources.
  • As students’ progress, the review is individualized, based on their specific needs.
  • A post-review study plan with remediation resources for students to utilize after their “Green Light” is given or after the 12-week period ends that guides to test day.
  • Students can purchase an additional 12-weeks of access for a discounted rate.

Click here to view the Virtual-ATI terms.

Contact us to learn more

The proof is in the pass rates

NCLEX Pass Rates

*All pass rate data is based on January 2023 - December 2023 NCLEX test takers. National pass rates were obtained from the NCSBN website and are for first-time, U.S.-educated NCLEX test takers. Virtual-ATI pass rates are self-reported NCLEX outcomes for students who participated in Virtual-ATI in connection with their nursing program and received a Green Light to take NCLEX from their Virtual-ATI Educator. These comparisons are descriptive in nature and do not reflect a true experimental design.

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