HealthAssess prepares nursing students to perform health assessments and builds their clinical judgment skills in a virtual learning and practice experience. In a single teaching solution, HealthAssess offers a combination of learning modules and authentic practice simulations, with active EHR documentation along the way. HealthAssess emphasizes knowledge, techniques and scenarios most applicable to today’s nurses in an unintimidating learning environment, ultimately driving consistent student learning outcomes across cohorts.

Version 3.0 now available:
- 3 new learning modules: Older Adult, Maternal Newborn, and Pediatric Nursing including virtual practice experiences
- Content shift to enhanced platform to provide a better user experience
- DEI and evidence-based practice updates to existing content
- Updates to practice assessments based on content updates
- Updates to existing virtual practice experiences
Now available! Content additions:
- Abuse / human trafficking
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Gender identity for assessments
- Types of relationships
- Environments at home and work
15 Interactive Learning Modules
Promoting student mastery through active learning
Students receive invaluable practice selecting interventions and documenting findings through media-rich tutorials, gaming exercises, virtual demonstrations, drill questions, sample EHR Tutor charts, end-of-module practice tests, and more.
- Introduction to health assessment
- General survey
- Health history
- Skin
- Head, neck, and neurological
- Respiratory
- Cardiovascular
- Abdomen
- Musculoskeletal and neurological
- Head-to-toe
- Breast and lymphatics
- Rectum and genitourinary
- Older adult
- Maternal newborn
- Pediatric nursing
12 Virtual Applications
Building confidence and clinical judgment skills
Applying the knowledge gained from learning modules, students step into the nurse’s role to engage virtual clients in authentic dialogue and assess all major body systems of diverse, life-like virtual clients, all while practicing EHR documentation.
Students begin by applying what they’ve just learned as they perform focused assessments, identify expected findings, and practice documentation.
- Amira Hill: General survey
- Amira Hill: Health history
- Jeremy Reilly: Skin
- Deion Barnes: Head, neck, and neuro
- Lea Seko: Respiratory
- Doris Anderson: Cardiovascular
- Tamika Shaw: Abdomen
- Ryan Martinez: Musculoskeletal and neuro
- Darian Oduya: Pediatric nursing
- Claudia Pacheco: Older adult
- Alyssa Kane: Maternal
- Amelia Kane: Newborn
5 Virtual Clinical Experiences
Students then take their learning a step further as they perform multi-system assessments, identify expected and unexpected findings, determine nursing interventions, and practice documentation.
- Shirley Williamson: Bronchitis
- David Rodriguez: Musculoskeletal injury
- Harold Stevens: Heart failure
- Diane Radford: Cholecystitis
- Timothy Lee: Head-to-toe challenge

What pilot nurse educators thought of ATI HealthAssess
Practice clinical decision-making / clinical judgment skills
"It was valuable experience to have to think about what we needed to do and when, as well as what was or wasn’t necessary. You had to figure out for yourself what to do based on the client’s symptoms and signs and decide what to say or do. I enjoyed getting to see what happened when I completed my interventions."
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants
Visualize how health assessments should be conducted with virtual demonstrations
“It was very helpful to see [examples of] how to verbalize assessment steps and hear verbal findings of what the nurse observed. Seeing what to do inside a patient room and how to interact was so valuable and gave me a better starting point.”
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants
Encounter realistic, life-like clients and scenarios
“The scenarios were very life-like with realistic nurse/patient interactions and provided situations we will actually see in the hospital. It was nice to be able to go through the assessment and actually listen to sounds like the heart and lungs. The scenarios included much detail.”
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants
Engage with realistic dialogue
“The nurse-client conversations were very realistic and valuable to observe. I liked how the patients had personalities and how their responses seemed realistic when they talked back to the providers. It was also nice to hear what the nurse was thinking to see what you don’t say out loud.”
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants
Receive valuable coaching & feedback
"The tips and advice on techniques were extremely helpful. It was nice to be notified that I did a technique wrong. This feedback allowed me to re-evaluate the "flow" of my assessment, preventing me from going down the wrong path. I also liked that it told me why I was incorrect or when something was irrelevant to the assessment."
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants
Gain early practice conducting health assessments and charting
"I really like how it allows for practicing as much as you want on your own time, especially since real-life simulations are limited in nursing school. I also liked that it allowed for practicing what could go wrong. In lab, we are always practicing on partners who don't have wheezy lung sounds, so being able to hear it and chart it was helpful. The charting system gave an example of a real-life charting system, which was also really nice since I felt that I never got that experience until I stepped into a real clinical setting."
Nursing Student & Faculty Pilot Participants

Changing the Way We Teach Health Assessment
Learn how we developed HealthAssess and identified need-to-know content for the nurse generalist today.