Leawood, Kan. (Dec. 20, 2018) — Motivational interviewing isn’t new. It’s been around since 1983, when it was first described in an article published in "Behavioural Psychotherapy." But its use has evolved since its original focus on treating problem drinkers.
Nurse educators who have missed out on the benefits this counseling approach can provide in helping students improve client safety should explore the topic. And an article on the ATI Nursing Education Educator Blog provides the details.
Read about the research proving the positive impacts this directive, client-centered approach has elicited in behavior change.
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ATI helps create competent, practice-ready nurses who are dedicated to maintaining public safety and ensuring the future of healthcare. As the leading provider of online learning programs for nursing, we support and help educate future nurses from admissions, throughout undergraduate and graduate nursing school, and via continuing education over the course of their careers. Our company began in 1998 with the aid of a nurse, and our team of doctorate- and master’s-prepared nurse educators continue to lead the development of our psychometrically designed and data-driven solutions. These solutions improve faculty effectiveness, fuel student progress, and advance program outcomes in three distinct areas: assessing performance, remediating problem areas, and predicting future student and program success. For nursing school administrators and nurse educators, ATI is the trusted advisor that consistently drives nursing success.To learn more about ATI, visit www.atitesting.com.
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