Now is the time to prepare for challenges facing nursing education.
Start by contacting us. It’ll be worth your time.
Embrace the Future & Enhance Outcomes
Challenges in nursing education continue to evolve. To face them with confidence, you need to update your tools, resources, teaching strategies, and curriculum.
Discover your newest tools and resources
You’ve got lots of new and enhanced solutions available 24/7 to help your program and students succeed — and to help relieve some of the most time-consuming aspects of your workload.
Listen as real-life educators describe their experiences using ATI to achieve success in their nursing programs.

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The Engage Series: Adult Medical-Surgical
Interwoven activities, multimedia, unfolding case studies, branching logic, quizzes, podcasts, and many ready-to-use resources ease adult med-surg teaching.
Learn about Engage Adult Med-Surg
Enhanced Swift River Simulations 2.0
600+ unfolding scenarios cover all major clinical areas and teach clinical-decision making as students practice analytical thinking, prioritization, and delegation.
Learn about Swift River Simulations
Launch: Nursing Academic Readiness
This powerful student-paced program aims to reduce 1st-year attrition and ensure new student success by removing burdensome remediation on foundational subjects.
Learn about Lauch: Nursing Academic ReadinessINITIATE NEW TEACHING STRATEGIES
Today's generation of students are much different than those past. That means you can't teach them the same way that you were taught.

The new version of the NCLEX is designed to assess clinical judgment in nursing candidates. It includes unique new item types that measure whether future nurses can think critically about how to care for clients. With ATI, you have the tools to implement the essentials of clinical judgment in all learning settings.
Review digital resources for professional development.
Rediscover all the ways you can stay up to date with the latest in nursing education.

Read about best practices in nursing education, how to implement new strategies, and what’s happening in the profession. Read the blog
ATI webinars & conferences
Sessions for both students and educators focus on important, timely topics. Upcoming student sessions include “Preparing for your ATI success: What’s in your ATI toolkit?” (Sept. 21 and 23, 2023). Educators have options such as “Retaining your students in Fundamentals and beyond: Using ATI solutions to help bridge success” (Oct. 6, 2023).
ATI for Educators on Facebook
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